So What's With The Book?

Most of you don’t know.

That’s perfectly ok and maybe for the better. After all, this new book isn’t about me.

For those of you that have followed my blog over the past 2 years, thank you! You get the gist of it. If you are new to my blog, welcome! I am happy you’re here. Since I opened up my laptop and began writing in 2019 I didn’t have a long-term plan. My life was a rollercoaster at that time. Where can I put all these wild stories, events, mistakes, and lessons? Right here on

I’ve loved every minute of it. This platform has opened up conversations, relationships, and new opportunities. It’s been so fun to connect with you and learn together. Thirty Two blog posts, Zoom calls, email threads, phone calls, and a book ensued. I’m so grateful for all of you.

This project has a good following, it really does. Through all those words I’ve shared stories that I thought no one would ever hear. As I continued to post my stories and lessons something became more clear the more I observed - these were helping people. That’s what I wanted this project to do. As I was building this site I put the first words on the header that are still there today - Lets Move People Together.

There has to be more I can do to help. How?

On October 1, 2019 I opened up a new draft and titled it Book.

Where can I put all these lessons I’ve learned? How can I positively impact more people? What can I do to serve?

The blog posts just scratch the surface. I needed more space - not only to share my story in more detail, but to expand on what exactly I uncovered. I have a notebook and phone full of notes, quotes, book references, precise moments of growth, and practices I used to better my life. Where does all this information go?

It’s all in there. Why You Need To Fail is a roadmap. It’s a guide to direct you out of the toughest moments in your life. Those times where you failed, you suffered, you felt stuck, and didn’t know where to turn hover over you. In this book is the exact framework I used to turn around my life when nothing was going right. Nothing was going right - so I turned left. I went inward, began from the ground up, and completely transformed.

We all have the power to transform within us. The mind is a powerful thing. However, life is busy. We whisk away the kids to school, go to work, converse, pick the kids up from school, and make dinner. Just when we’re about to have a moment to ourselves 4 more things pop up. We go to bed and repeat the very next day. I get it - we’ve all been there to some degree.

This framework is a guide to help you reflect on the busyness, experiences, and mistakes we all make. Once we have a better understanding of our shortcomings we can then move forward with energy, confidence, and purpose. A balanced life is available to every one of us - we just need to understand how we got here, and where we can improve.

It took me 2 years of complete suffering, confusion, and lack of direction before I decided to change my life. I’m glad I did. The space I am in today is far more joyful than where I was then.

I hope it doesn’t take you 2 years. You are far more powerful than you give yourself credit for. You’re still here and yet, you have SO much life to experience yet. I’m not saying a quick 72 pages will completely transform your outlook on life.

But, it might!

Which One Do You Continue To Choose?

The Best Is Yet To Come