Jake Kneeland

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The 1 Christmas Gift To Override The Rest

Two weeks ago I finished rereading one of my all-time favorite books. The Go-Giver is a parable; an easy-to-follow story of a young professional looking for the secret to success. He is introduced to Pindar and through a series of eye-opening conversations finally discovers what he has been searching for all along. After reading it again I came to a series of conclusions - including the most important one.

Pindar is the G.O.A.T.

The Greatest Of All Time. The way the author portrays the character and his thoughts, ideas, and ease is remarkable. The methodologies in the book are effective ideas and Pindar relays them effortlessly. I love that the book is a parable. It’s a story that we can all relate to. It is gripping, emotional, and eye-opening. The book is marketed as a “story about a powerful business idea” - but it’s so much more.

The Gift Of Giving

Christmas is quickly approaching. It’s a holiday that naturally brings giving into our lives through time spent with our families and presents under the tree. Who doesn’t love gifts! I remember getting a specific gift one Christmas morning when I was young which turned into me sprinting up and down the stairs yelling with joy. It’s true. I know you have memories like that too!

What I want to touch on today is simple. We all know it to be true but as the holiday approaches I wanted to remind us of it. The gift of giving does not just come in the form of presents.

The gift of giving covers all facets of our lives. Our families, our friends, our partners, our careers, and more. We are, or should, be giving all the time.

Let’s start small. Pindar eloquently explains to Joe a simple yet effective fact.

The most valuable gift you have to offer is you

That’s right. It always has been. You are One of One. We are each unique and that’s incredibly special - we ALL bring something different to the table. Whatever your gifts are - give them!

Gifts are easy. Giving someone your time is a gift. Calling someone to thoroughly check in on them is a gift. Texting someone and telling them how much they mean to you is a gift. If you listen to understand, instead of to respond, you are gifting. Spending the night with your family playing games without a phone in sight is a gift. It’s all around us! It’s not just Christmas, holidays, and birthdays. It’s everyday things. It’s life.

“Most people laugh when they hear the secret to success is giving. Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were.”

This applies to our careers, relationships, families, friends, and yes - life.

Focus on giving not just this holiday season, but daily. Use the examples above or create your own ways to give. It may seem a little out of style or uncomfortable at first but the more consistently you do it - the more fulfilled, joyful, and at ease you will feel.

Are you worried that you’ll wear out? Remember this.

Gratitude reciprocates.

When we give, we receive.

Love ya’ll.


Why You Need To Fail


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