It's hard to wrap my head around it.
Two Thousand Twenty Two.
They say time flies and this year was no different. What about the past two? Five? Ten? Do you get sad or maybe even cringe when you think back to those ball games, nights playing Apples to Apples, or trips to the lake with your kids?
The end of a year always presents an opportunity - reflection. We run around all year long and time really only seems to slow down during the holidays. We spend time with family and recollect memories, share laughs, and get caught up on what’s going on in our lives. For some this is the only time we have those deeper conversations. Why is that?
One reason is we’re always busy. We have family, friends, work, and that Netflix show we’re glued to. We find time on the weekends to get a few projects done and we turn right around on Monday to start the same loop again. Another reason is we may feel uncomfortable or insecure about those conversations. A lot of us have struggled with the changes and circumstances that the past year and a half have put us through. It’s not easy to communicate those feelings and open up to someone. As hard as it may be - we must.
An easy way to start expressing yourself and those feelings is by journaling them. It’s a simple and easy practice to put your thoughts on paper. Get them out! It’s also an effective way to reflect. Whether it’s in a journal or on a piece of scratch paper next to you I want you to take some time tonight to look back at 2021. What happened? What did you enjoy? What were you disappointed about? Take out a pen and look back for a few minutes. Do it now.
Perfect. We can change our lives at any time. However, there seems to be something about a new year that energizes us to make those changes. “Starting January 1st I will do this ____” - said all of us. We think up a few New Year’s resolutions and commit to change. Soon after we miss a day or two and forget why we wanted this in the first place. It’s uncomfortable. By February 1st we’ve given up. Did you know that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February 1st? EIGHTY PERCENT. Eight Zero. What can we do to change that?
There’s a few easy ways to make sure you stay on track with your resolutions or goals.
Write them down. In a journal, a paper by your nightstand, or on the hanging whiteboard. They have to be visible.
Make sure they are SMART goals. “Get Healthier” isn’t going to do it for you. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
Hold yourself accountable. Whether it’s having a partner, tracking your goals in a journal or on an app, or committing to a time every single day, you have to keep yourself accountable. You want to make the change. You are the person who decides if you do or not.
Ever since I started my blog two and a half years ago I’ve had a “theme” to describe what I’m focused on each year. It helps me align with my goals, my decisions, and what I want my life to look like. 2019 was a year of Discovery. In 2020 my word was Action. 2021 was focused on Experiences. My word for 2022 - Connection.
I’m excited to deepen my existing relationships with people and learn more about them. I’m also focused on creating new connections with individuals, having more meaningful conversations, and continue to align with people who encourage and support.
Do you have a theme for 2022? Have you identified your goals yet? Here are 4 questions you can use as a guide to identify what you want your new year to look like. Jot them down!
Where am I thriving in life right now, and how can I continue?
Where am I lacking in life, and what changes can I make?
What is my top goal/priority/experience for 2022?
What are 3 action steps that get me closer to it?
I’ll leave you with this - once you identify and write down your goals I want you to focus on them each day. Be as present as possible and remember that it’s the daily action steps that get you closer to your goals. It’s the small changes, day by day, that improve your life. You can do it.
Time flies whether you’re having fun or not. It’s so important to make your days count! Life is here, right now, this moment - every single day. Slow down, be present, and enjoy the little things in 2022. We have one go at this thing called life.
Make It Count
“There was never a time when your life was not right now - nor will there ever be.”