Jake Kneeland

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The Leap

As I currently sit - laptop open, Kygo’s Piano Jam ringing through my earphones, and in proper Fall attire (hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants), I can’t help but to reflect.

Reflection has always been a part of our lives. In some ways it has helped me tremendously and in other ways it has crippled all aspects of my life. We often look back to the experiences, places, and people in our lives with a great big cheesy smile. Some times we look back with regret, sadness, and a bit of anger. Both are common and part of an increasingly alarming uptick in depression, dependency, and anxiety in our world. What does this have to do with today’s topic?

In 2019 I was all of those things and more. I had slipped into a depression and nothing in my life was seeming to go right. I was disconnected from family and friends. I was living alone in a state where I knew no one and was frankly embarrassed. I had no energy, no confidence, and no direction in life. But you may already know that.

Today I am confident, energetic, aligned, and more focused than I have ever been. I’m full of gratitude and am surrounded by great people. I have a purpose. But you may already know that too.

What changed?

I started to research a variety of things such as regaining your confidence, how to love your life, and how to get it back on track. There were 3 things that continuously showed in the results - reading, writing, and meditation. Perfect! I haven’t read a book in years, I used to love writing, and I’ve never tried meditation.

Let’s skip over a few months - I read the most impactful book I have read to date (The Power Of Now), I journaled and started my website to store all the lessons I have learned (Blog), and I’ve learned to meditate and slow down as needed (the app I use is Simple Habit). I also began to attend church and read a Bible passage daily. My confidence returned and so did my zest for life. I still practice these things consistently today. There was still one thing I couldn’t nail down yet. I asked myself one question repeatedly. It felt like it was the only thing between me and the life I dreamed about.

Where Do I Go From Here?

Something that’s consistent with all of us is the power of a meaningful conversation with someone. The bond we form after connecting, or helping, or listening to a friend and what they are going through. It’s the people, and our relationships with them, that will matter throughout. It’s powerful stuff.

After I opened my blog and published my first book on gratitude a lot of you reached out. I began to have more and more of these meaningful conversations and connected with many of you on deeper level. There was a sense of joy, energy, and understanding that came from those talks. Many of them still continue to this day. For me it felt like I was doing something impactful. I was doing something meaningful with my life. It felt like I had found a purpose.

We all feel this sense of euphoria in our lives. It usually comes from passion projects, hobbies, and life experiences where we feel completely free. We are enjoying the moment and don’t want to let it slip away. We are totally present. How do we extend those moments? What became clearer to me over time was the need to find a way to combine the things I love with the work I do.

In short - I began spreading my message through motivational speaking gigs. Our podcast has over 25,000 listens and sponsorships. I finished my rough drafts, went through the editing process, and published my second book in July.

All of these things required me to overcome a hinderance to us all - fear.

What we are often most afraid of - is exactly what we should be doing. Whether it be career, relationship, or growth oriented that fear we feel is our body’s way of telling us it’s the right thing to do. It is only “fearful” because it isn’t familiar. It’s not in our comfort zone. It’s easy to stay in but nothing ever grows there. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - the best things in life are on the other side of fear.

What does it take to live the life you want to? You guessed it.

The Leap

I’ve spent nearly 3 years consuming self development material and all the top people in the industry identified one thing that propelled them into the life they live now. They took the leap. They left their comfort zone. They left the unfulfilling career behind, the steady paycheck, the long days and short weekends.

They listened. They felt a calling and pursued it. They heard the voice from within and followed it. Whatever you want to call it - a leap of faith, God, something greater - they took it and never looked back.

My story is no different. I’ve lept. I’m not sure how many of you know but I left my corporate position behind. I started my own business. I established an LLC based on motivational speaking, writing, podcasting, and coaching. I partnered with a community of like-minded people who have only helped me expedite my goals and cross things off my bucket list. The Oola Life is a framework and goal-achieving roadmap to fully experience the 7 key areas of life, and I can personally say it’s propelled me forward quickly! If you’re interested, have questions, or would like to enroll, shoot me an email at theitsjustjakeblog@gmail.com.

The best part of all this? It feels like I’m just getting started. But, I had to start somewhere. We all do.

That’s why I’m here today. I want to express to you just how much life is out there. It doesn’t matter if you’re 19, 37, or 65 - you can experience whatever your heart desires. If you want to change your career - you can. If you want to start playing the piano - you can. If you want to write a book, visit Norway, learn to sew, start a baking show on Youtube, rescue a dog, learn Spanish, or tell someone how you really feel - you can.

That intuition? Uncertainty? That “pull?” It’s meant for you. It’s your calling. It’s the life you truly want to live. It’s trying to tell you something great. You may be scared but remember - the best things in life are on the other side of fear. I urge you to listen.

And take the leap.


Why You Need To Fail


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