We all have that one musician to fall back on. No matter the setting we can blast that artist from our speakers at any point.
My favorite musical artist right now is easily Kygo. There’s a lot of good music out but for me it isn’t close. Although labeled as a DJ Kygo is an exquisite piano player who blends in a myriad of chords and beats into his songs. He often invites under the radar singers to showcase their abilities and is always good for one wicked piano solo. I was fortunate to see him perform live in May 2018 and to say the least - it didn’t suck.
I was driving home the other day and had Kygo playing when a song started that I hadn’t heard in awhile. As I blared Permanent from the speakers it began to really get my mind churning. A few months ago I sent out an email to you subscribers about one of the constants in life - change. As I began to think about this the chorus arrived with a lyric that couldn’t have aligned more.
“For a moment there, it was permanent”
Life is a wild ride. We go through an infinite amount of experiences, decisions, thoughts, feelings, and events during it. Several of those can be recurring like taking your kids to school in the morning, family game nights, or grabbing some Coldstone ice cream on Sundays. Perhaps you have a weekly call with your grandparents or get together with your friends to watch one of those super realistic reality gems on television. The events, moments, and relationships should be thoroughly enjoyed because no matter the number of times they recur - none of them are permanent.
Is that true? Is there anything that is permanent?
Perhaps there is one thing.
Is impermanence the only permanence?
It’s so interesting to me. Is nothing forever? Think of all the things that have weaved in and out of your life thus far. There will be some consistency but permanence? I think of people the most. Is it crazy to think that a childhood friend, a coworker, or someone you struck up a good conversation with at a restaurant - you may never see or talk to that person again?
Change is constant and will never not be. The aforementioned things above will constantly be evolving as time moves on. Kind of unsettling isn’t it?
The song lyric really sticks out to me because it covers something so crucial - the moment. “For a moment there, it was permanent” helps explain the simple elegance of an experience. In order to completely enjoy a moment you need to be entirely there. You need to be fully present.
There aren’t many things that compare to completely immersing yourself in the enjoyment of what you’re experiencing. When you are totally there, in tune, and present without thought or anxiety or stress - it feels like those moments extend. They seem to last longer because you’re completely in them. Those precise moments of deep rooted, vivid, and pure enjoyment feel permanent.
It’s so crucial to enjoy our moments because they will constantly evolve. I urge us to practice becoming more present. Start meditating, put down the phone, turn off the TV, and immerse yourself in what you enjoy doing. Be where your feet are.
Change is constant and there’s no way around it. We all have a choice. We can embrace change or suffer from it. We can fight our fears or let them steer us from experience, fulfillment, and opportunity. We can use our voice, energy, and resources to create change. Lets stay present, embrace our opportunities, and squeeze the juice out of our moments.
Remember, if you consistently live through memory (your past), or in anticipation (your future), you are missing the most important thing - right now.
Right now? The present? This very moment? Now that’s permanent.
Make it count.