You guys!
What a ride it’s been. It’s great to be back in the saddle and I look forward to connecting with you! A lot to tackle with so little time here. I don’t have a plan with this one - just some thoughts that are circulating and a blank canvas (or computer screen) to start with. Lets dive in.
What a ride indeed. A ride that we have all been on. We’re on the constant roller coaster of life day in and day out there’s no doubt about that. Then, 2020. It’s still August but I can only assume this year is going to have one massive write-up in the history books.
Just over a year ago I penned the original Wave Rider. That post is a quick note on the hills and valley’s I had been experiencing at that time. There were some radical shifts I encountered then and to this day am still sorting some of them out. In fact there is a lot I am trying to sort out.
I’ve been away from my blog for a couple of reasons. One, I’ve been working on something exciting and I can’t wait to share it with you! Two, I’ve just simply been in a funk.
July certainly provided a lot of memorable moments and laughter throughout. During that month I also decided to step away and spend more time alone. I had started to feel more anxious than usual, distracted, and the energy I aim to carry with me at all times was low. Something was off and I wanted to dive in and find out why.
Our lives are filled with twists and turns and mine is no different. During my journey I have learned how to center back in and focus on the one thing we can control - ourselves. In order to do that we need to create space. For me this includes simple things like walks out in nature, running, reading, meditating, and listening to that beautiful orange ball swish through the net. I also spent time at the farm doing some of my favorite things - enjoying the sunset off of our patio, floating in the pool, and taking The Bee for a spin.
Of the things I uncovered during my reflections one stood out above the rest. One question kept coming back to me in different ways and always seemed to be lingering.
Am I On The Right Path?
We ask ourselves millions of different questions throughout life but this is one that really sticks. Purpose? Fulfillment? Happiness? Faith? While those are certainly big words - do they apply to your current situation? When I get in a funk, a coasting period, or question if I’m moving forward it’s typically because I’m not following those things mentioned above. It’s small moments of questioning myself and complacency that string together if I let them. I’m not wired to coast in any way but periods of this can happen without being fully aware it’s happening. I covered this in detail in You Are The Author Of The Book Of Your Life. Have you experienced coasting periods in your own life? A time where you felt low, lost, or perhaps lacked a clear sense of direction? Why do we get so comfortable?
A friend of mine says the comfort zone is safe, but nothing ever grows there.
We get caught in these endless life cycles of the same routines and then wonder why we get so anxious. We get happy then sad. We show gratitude and then ponder why someone else has it better. We want to experience life but show up to work, go home and eat, turn on the TV, and do it all over again the next day. Humans might be the most adaptable species on Earth - we’re meant to do more than work a job, watch a show, and pay bills right?
A little heavy? Perhaps, but this is the stuff I think about. That and anything related to cookie dough and ice cream. Let me circle this around.
The reason I began riding the waves again was because I am seriously questioning how far I go. In previous posts I’ve detailed the importance of our decisions and the circumstances they create. Well, a culmination of my decisions took me on one wicked roller coaster that I’m still gaining perspective on to this day. I’ve seen the lowest of lows and have also completely re-energized my entire life.
A friend of mine, after a two hour coffee catch-up on life, once told me this: “Jake, get this stuff out there - your story matters.”
Where I get stuck is the grey area - am I doing enough? Am I fully expressing what I learned and in turn, am I helping enough people with that experience? We all get stuck or lose our way and sometimes that pain can sit with us for years. Am I doing my part or more importantly, more, to serve those who are experiencing the same things?
“I started speaking my truth when being free became more important than guarding my ego”
I wasn’t anywhere near prepared for what I went through but that’s just it; I made it through. Not only that but I am loving life and more driven than ever before. When we slow down and reflect things become much more clear. It’s in those moments of stillness where we identify, or remember, what we purely enjoy and find fulfilling. Quiet is clear.
Whether the waves are barely breaking or completely rocking your world - just be sure to keep your head above water. The tide will turn.
Within the last month I’ve been able to realign and remember why I started this whole project. We are all unique individuals but it’s our stories and struggles that connect us all. I’ve been able to recall those moments of doubt and dark times. More importantly - remember that they happened for a reason. It’s my duty to utilize those moments to fulfill my purpose and use my experiences to serve others, to serve you. There’s more to come.
Here’s to it.
Until then, hang loose my friends.